Virginia Brackett, PhD
Instagram: authordigs_virginiabrackett
Journal Articles
“The Artist/Intellectual as Politician.” Selected Papers from the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. (June, 2009): 215-20.
“Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray as Secular Scripture.” The Wildean 32 (Jan. 2008): 43-56.
“Inspiring Student Self Motivation. Insight: A Collection of Faculty Scholarship. Vol. 2. (2007): 26-31.
“Avoiding the Ambiguous: Romantic Archetypes in Barbara Brooks Wallace’s Peppermints in the Parlor.” Mosaic: a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. (June 2001).
“Putting the Flowers In.” Arachne. 7.1 (June 2000). 5-20.
“Sharp Necessities.” Women & Language. 19.2 (Fall 1996): 7-13.
“ ‘The Countesse of Lincolne’s Nurserie’ as Inspiration for Anne Bradstreet.” Notes and Queries 42.3 (October 1995): 364-365.
“Subversion of the Femme Fatale in Detective Fiction: Dashiell Hammett’s Woman in the Dark and other Mysteries.” Essays in the Arts and Sciences 24 (October 1995): 33-45.
“Michael Drayton as Creative Source for Elizabeth Cary’s History of Edward II.” Notes and Queries 41.4 (December 1994): 517-519.
Books - Author
Facts on File Companion to Mary Shelley. New York: Facts on File (2012)
How to Write About the Brontës. New York: Facts on File (2008).
The Facts on File Companion to 16th and 17th-Century British Poetry. New York: Facts on File (2008) Booklist “Editor’s Choice, Reference Sources, 2008”
The Facts on File Companion to the British Novel: Beginnings to the Nineteenth Century. New York: Facts on File, 2005.
The Contingent Self: One Reading Life. Purdue University Press, 2001.
Encyclopedia of Classic Love and Romance Literature. Denver: ABC-Clio, 1999.
Books - Editor
Critical Insights: Mary Shelley. Salem Press, 2016.
Critical Insights: Historical Fiction. Salem Press, 2018.
“Christine de Pizan.” New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement. Farmington Hills, MI: Cengage Learning (2011).
“ ‘The Necklace’ by Guy du Maupassant. Masterplots. 4th ed. New York: Salem Press (2011).
“Inspiring Student Self Motivation.” (reprint, Insight: A Collection of Faculty Scholarship, 2007) The Vigor of Intrinsic Motivation. Icfai UP (June 2009).
“Sandra Cisneros.” Blackwell Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century American Fiction.
“Sandra Cisneros.” Encyclopedia of Catholic Literature. Ed. Mary R. Reichardt. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004.
“Francis Beaumont,” “George Farquar,” “John Ford,” “Cyril Tourneur.” Absolutism and the Scientific Revolution 1600-1720. Ed. Christopher Baker. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002.
“Christine de Pizan.” Catholic Women Writers. Ed. Mary R. Reichardt. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001.
Online Publications
Lessons supporting the PBS Series, “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow”: “Understanding History through the Literary Reviews of Invisible Man”
“Zora Neale Hurston: Fighting Jim Crow through the All Black Community”
Lessons supporting the Masterpiece Theater’s American Collection Educators’ Site: “Comprehending, Interpreting and Analyzing Henry James’ The American”
Research Articles
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Second Revised Edition. Salem Press (2000)
“Feminist Long Fiction.”
“Michael Ondaatje.”
Issues and Identities in Literature. Salem Press (1996)
“Adolescent Experience in Literature.”
Beacham’s Popular Fiction. Beacham Publishing: (1996 & 1998)
Discussion of J. D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey
Biography plus discussions of four books: Pat Conroy
Biography plus discussions of three books: Jim Thompson
Update of Previous Entry plus one book discussion: Bobbie Ann Mason
Update of Previous Entry: Maxine Hong Kingston
Research Guide to Literature and Biography for Young Adults. Beacham Publishing, 1994.
Reviewed: To Take a Dare (Crescent Dragonwagon and Paul Zindel)
The Divorce Express (Paula Danziger)
There’s a Bat in Bunk Five (Paula Danziger)
Look Behind You (Lois Duncan)
The Twisted Window (Lois Duncan)