Popular Publications
Nonfiction (Ginger Roberts Meredith; Mary Virginia Brackett; Virginia Brackett)
Online - Author
"In the Company of Patriots." War, Literature and the Arts.
Contest winners - "Mrs. Cross," "Six," "Under the Influence"
Books - Author
In the Company of Patriots. Sunbury Press. 2019.
Restless Genius: The Story of Virginia Woolf. Greensboro, NC: Morgan Reynolds, 2004.
Recommended feminist book for youth by Amelia Bloomer Project, 2005 (Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table, ALA)
PSLA YA Top Forty Nonfiction 2004 Titles
Included in “Writers of Imagination” series, Tristate Series of Note, 2005
A Home in the Heart: The Story of Sandra Cisneros. Greensboro: Morgan Reynolds, 2004.
PSLA YA Top Forty Nonfiction 2004 Titles Tristate Books of Note, 2005
Menachem Begin. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2003.
Steve Jobs: Computer Genius of Apple. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2003.
F. Scott Fitzgerald: Writer of the Jazz Age. Greensboro, NC: Morgan Reynolds, 2002.
John Brown, Abolitionist. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002.
Jeff Bezos. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2001.
Elizabeth Cary:Woman of Conscience. Greensboro, NC: Morgan Reynolds, 1996.
New York Public Library 1997 list of recommended reading for teens
Books - Contributor
"Effects on Higher Education." After the Pandemic. Sunbury Press, 2020.
Submission 15: Biography. Children’s Writer Guide to 2000. West Redding: Institute of Children’s Literature, 2000.
Submission 16: Reference Book. Children’s Writer Guide to 2000. West Redding: Institute of Children’s Literature, 2000.
“Proposing in Style.” Children’s Writer Guide to 1998. West Redding: Institute of Children’s Literature, 1998.
Periodicals & Blogs
"Your Family's History is Valuable - Record It!" HerLife (2020).
"Go With the Flow." Submittable.com (2020)
"Joining a Writing Critique Group." Submittable.com (2019).
“Special Occasion Writing.” Once Upon a Time. (Winter, 1995)
“Making the Old New Again.” Children’s Writer. (November, 1995)
“The Place is the Thing.” Byline. (May, 1995)
“Resume Writing.” Children’s Writer. (July, 1995)
“Attractive Antagonists.” Children’s Writer. (May, 1995)
“Communication in the Workplace.” Kansas City Small Business Journal. (killed)
“Classroom Management Applied to Small Business.” Kansas City Small Business Journal. (killed)
“How to Write a Mystery.” Class Act. (October, 1994)
“Praise God I’m Alive!” Dighton Herald. (April 13, 1994)
“Single Parent Vacationing--How Not to Trip Out.” Today’s Family. (February 1994)
“Horse Crazies.” Down Memory Lane. (October/November, 1993 - killed - out of print)
“The Ways Our Father Cared.” Decision. (June, 1993)
“Name Game.” Housewife Writer’s Forum. (March/April, 1993)
“Bringing the Sunshine In.” Down Memory Lane. (April/May 1993)
“Classroom Management: Application to Human Resources.” Supervision. (Sept, 1992)
“Stop Fending for Yourself.” The Monthly Contemporary Digest. (reprint) (March, 1992)
“Stop Fending for Yourself.” Today’s Christian Woman. (November/December, 1991)
“Salmon-Athletes of the Fish World.” Young Crusader. (September, 1991)
“Sharing the Joy.” Housewife Writer’s Forum. (September/October, 1991)
“Those Winning Ways.” Living with Teenagers. (Winter 1992)
“Sobering Facts About Relocation --You May Lose Custody.” Today’s Family. (mag. sold-killed)
Returning to the Classroom.” Today’s Family. (July/August, 1991)
“MBO: Big Business Comes Home.” Today’s Family. (September/October, 1991)
“Exercise with Your Children.” Today’s Family. (May/June 1991)
“Writing for Juveniles.” Writer’s Journal. (March, 1991)
“On Vacation with the Kids.” The Single Parent. (March/April, 1991)
“Christian Writing for Juveniles.” Interlit. (March, 1991)
“Writing for Juveniles.” Writer’s Guidelines. (March 1991)
Popular Publications - Fiction
as Ginger Roberts Meredith; Mary Virginia Brackett; Virginia Brackett
Online - Author
"Mrs. Cross" - Johnson County Library "Women's Voices"
Books - Author
What Is My Name? Reading Reading Books, LLC, 2014.
Angela and the Gray Mare – children’s novel (ebook: available on Amazon.com)
Books - Contributor (Juvenile)
“One More Look.” Having Choices: Integrating Themes in Literature and Language. A Pegasus Anthology. Iowa: Kendall-Hunt, 1992.
Books - Adaptation (Hi/Lo Readers)
Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield. Text conversion in a hi/lo project for fourth grade reading level adults. New York: The Edcon Publishing Group, 1998.
“Halloween Wink.” Romantic Hearts. (October, 1996)
“Vegetable Soup.” Junior Trails. (January, 1995)
“The Great Moon Pie Eating Contest.” The Distillery. (January, 1994)
“Felix Grows Up.” Turtle. (June 1991)
“The Perfect Gift.” Junior Trails. (December, 1992)
“Christmas Raccoon.” Wonder Time. (December, 1992)
“Valentine Friend.” The Friend. (Purchased and held)
“Courage.” The Friend. (Purchased and held)
“First Day at School.” The Friend. (Purchased and held)
“What are the Heavens For?” Junior Trails. (August 26, 1990)
“The Stolen Friendship.” Junior Trails. (April 8, 1990)